They offer real, usable, subject matter lessons but even more importantly, they lead by example and in doing so, have cultivated a community of wonderful, like-minded humans.
#Creative works broadway s portland full
Tristan creates honest, heart-centered, supportive and affirming containers full of bravery and compassion. They give us room for the messiness, for the inquiry, for the learning and unlearning. In Conscious Marketing and the Yoga, Social Justice, & Marketing Mentorship, I learned practical approaches to marketing while tenderly infusing that work with my deeply held social justice values. Tristan taught me best practices for ensuring my trans siblings are included in yoga and wellness spaces in their Creating Safer Spaces workshops.
I initially went in thinking I was going to learn very specific things (and I did) only to find out that there was so much more. Johnson, author, social worker, dismantling racism trainer, yoga teacher, activist I feel so grateful for this working partnership with Tristan. Integrity is very important to me as is trusting someone with my work and I trust Tristan infinitely. While they are growing their skills in equity and social justice work, they are supporting my work and justice in the world. They have supported me in propelling my work further than I could have on my own. In the year we've been working together, Tristan has become a collaborator and thought partner.
I should have known from our first conversation about Tristan's work that the role they would fill would be more vast than coming up with systems for organization and helping me have less emails in my inbox. Tristan began working with me and filled what we thought would be an assistant role. Tristan was bold enough to walk up to me and hand their card to me because they saw my request online for an assistant and I was bold enough to say yes, please, help me.